Adult Services
Signature Day + alternative family living programs [AFL] + neighborhood connect
Licensed programs serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to mobilize opportunities for people to participate fully in family and community life.
Adults Services include:
- Quality Daily Activities and Opportunities
- Community Engagement, Socialization, and Employment Experiences
- Enrichment Activities in the Arts
- Individualized Support

Creative Expression and Learning Opportunities.
Employees of Signature Day work to promote a supportive work environment, assist people to explore their creative potential, develop their unique talents and gifts, and profit from their experience. Our goal is to provide meaningful activities that enhance, enrich, and expand a person’s life.
Signature Day Program partners with West Union Art Studios, a professional art cooperative, located in downtown Morganton. Support SDP artists through West Union Art Studios and The Burleson House.
The Signature Day Program offers creative expression, skill development, and learning opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Open Monday – Friday from 8:00-3:30.
Whitney Russell, Director Signature Day Program
[email protected]
(828) 604-4906 ext 455

Adult Services.
Alternate Family Living.
Alternative Family Living provides family living for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Adult with intellectual and developmental disabilities are interviewed and information is screened for eligibility to live in a person-specific family home with the community. Alternative Family Living (AFL) providers are carefully recruited, screened and credentialed.
For program information, please contact:
Liz Curtis, Adult Services Director
(828) 433-0056 ext 601
[email protected]

Neighborhood Connect assists adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in gaining a sense of community with their peers, through access and participation in a variety of activities in a safe and meaningful way. Members have a great time exploring arts, food, different ways to be active, volunteering, and just enjoying being together. Most activities are free to participants. Activity Coaches are available to support participation in activities.
Contact Amanda Leopin or Whitney Russell at (828)-604-4906 for more information.